400 Divisadero


Stand With Community: Demand More Affordability from 400 Divisadero!

This Thursday, May 23rd, 2019, the Planning Commission will vote on the proposed project at 400 Divisadero Street. For over 3 years, Affordable Divis and community members have been demanding that this project include more than the required amount of affordable housing: 37 units out of 186 is not enough! The developer’s current plan for 400 Divisadero is 80% market rate/luxury units.

Affordable Divis favors housing at this location but has deep concerns about the lack of truly affordable homes for the people living in the neighborhood. There is an urgent need to build homes for working people and not just to continue building for high wage earners who can afford market rate. Affordable Divis rejects the trickle down housing mythology. The massive scale of this project (5 lots combined), means a HUGE benefit for the developer who is asking for not 1 but 5 Conditional Use approvals for the site.

With that in mind, the community deserves an increased number of truly affordable units at the very least. Tell the Planning Commission: Do Not Approve 400 Divisadero Without Increased Affordability!

1) Send an email to the Planning Commission by Wednesday May 22nd: the community demands more affordable housing from this project!

2) Attend the hearing on Thursday May 23rd, City Hall Room 400, 3-5PM. Tell the Commissioners to oppose this project as proposed!

400 Divisadero Planning Commission Hearing
Thursday, May 23, 2019

City Hall, Room 400, 3-5PM